Joshua McDonald

Feb 14, 20221 min

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Official Trailer

During the Super Bowl, Marvel Studios decided to enchant us all with the official trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness! I've been excited for this film for a while now, and my excitement has only grown since watching WandaVision and hearing the rumors that have been circulating the internet.

But now... Now we can leave rumors behind and take hold of what Marvel really has in store for us!

All I have to say is holy shit! This movie looks wild! It's fair to say that the MCU has been a little rough lately due to the pandemic and a number of last minute changes that were made due to delays/ brands coming back to Marvel, and I can't help but think this is the movie that will set things back in proper motion. There are so many easter eggs and moments worth commenting on (Patrick Stewart as Professor X, Ultron bots and potentially Superior Iron Man, the Illuminati, and more...), but I'm going to need to watch the trailer a few more times before going into a full breakdown!

Check back for the trailer breakdown later, and until then, share your opinions of the trailer in the comments section, and let us know what's POPPING your culture!
